Sorry, it's been so long since I sent an email. I've been doing a ten-day fast, so my energy levels were really low, as you can imagine. I always send these emails myself. This email is jam-packed full of stuff so hold on :-)
Recent highlights;
A MUST-WATCH video from Senator Gerard broke the internet :-)
We have upgraded RDAsocial, it's now called RDAconnect, check it out.
If you need a 'pick-me-up', watch this positive video I made all about TAKING YOUR POWER BACK. (That video is below too)
We have BRAND NEW items in the merchandise store that are all shipped from Australia, so you can get them in time for Christmas presents. Also, some new bumper car stickers for VICTORIANS. Go check them out.
I am feeling really positive at the moment, and I think we all deserve a great holiday season! Please rest up, look after yourselves and let's get ready for a big year ahead :-)
Freedom Recruitment Agency
Are you dealing with the task of having to find and hire a new staff member or replace someone? Discover how Freedom Recruitment Agency can support you and your business in 2023.
Climate Lockdown in 2024
Climate Lockdowns in 2024.. "I believe we are facing a sinister threat to the freedoms and everyday liberties that we and our parents have taken for granted all our and their lives,"
Read it here
AMPS to restore medical free speech
The Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) is on a mission to restore medical free speech in this country and ensure the loyalty of doctors and all health practitioners remains first and foremost with patients – not bureaucrats or politicians.
Read it here
'Let Us Save Lives Again' Say Vaccine-Free Healthcare Workers
His doctor's license has been suspended...I guess it's given him even more drive to go after justice.
Read it here
Are you a business who will...
It’s actually a no-brained if your a business who supports freedom. It’s a win/win. It supports what we do and gives you cheap exposure.
Once we get over 1500 businesses, we’ll design a dedicated website and app for it to make it better for everyone :-)
Sign up for $3.30/month
Sign up here
China's Anti-Lockdown Protests
Across the political spectrum, voices have risen up in support of the Chinese people who’ve launched protests of unprecedented scale against the Chinese Communist Party’s indefinite Covid lockdown measures.
Read about it
3,000 Farms Forced to Sell in Netherlands
The Dutch Minister for Nitrogen has announced that 3,000 farms will be forced to sell their properties to the government for immediate closure after ‘voluntary’ measures failed.
Read about it
Vaxx Mandates Dropped in NSW
From December 1 New South Wales Public health orders have cease and aged care and disability workers vaccination requirements dropped.
Read about it
You make it all possible!
Reignite Democracy Australia depends on generous financial support from our RDA family and community. Big or small, it supports our mission and helps us continue to provide strategies and solutions to help us move closer to our ultimate goal...FREEDOM!
Alternatively, buy some Merchandise, sign up for RDAconnect, or the business directory.
That supports us, and you get something back :-)
Former prime minister Scott Morrison may retire from parliament by the end of the year with hopes of potentially taking up a key international consulting post.......He was a nothing P.M....WEAK & FECKLESS...and now RUNNING AWAY from the Country he helped destroyed, JUSTICE needs to be served and SCOMO needs to be around to answer for his COWARDICE.